Burnham Health Pharmacy

What is hepatitis A disease?

Hepatitis A is a serious disease that causes inflammation of the liver, and if untreated, it results in fulminate hepatitis which can be fatal and Hepatitis A Vaccine really help to prevent from it. At times the infected person, especially very young children, remain asymptomatic – these persons could infect others before they recover themselves. Symptoms of Hepatitis A manifest as fever, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, reduced appetite, dark-colored urine, and jaundice which results in yellowing of the area around the eyes and portions of the skin; only about 10% of the infected children develop jaundice.

What are diagnostic tests for Hepatitis A disease?

Hepatitis A virus or HAV-specific immunoglobulin G (IgM) antibodies, if present in the blood, confirm the existence of infection. RT-PCR or Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction also detects the HAV RNA; special Lab equipment is needed for this test.

What are the causes of Hepatitis A disease?

Lack of hygiene, eating with dirty hands, consuming contaminated food or water and close contact with an infected person (particularly sexual contact, MSM – sex between men or PWID – persons who inject drugs) can result in contracting the Hepatitis A disease. Fortunately, the Hepatitis A vaccine is available and after taking the appropriate doses, immunity of at least 20 years is assured. Having recovered from the disease, a person is unlikely to get infected again with Hepatitis A.

Where is the greater incidence of Hepatitis A disease?

Low and Low-middle-income regions have a high incidence of Hepatitis A disease; in the high-income regions, it is rare. So, Travel Vaccination is recommended while traveling across regions with income disparities – in either direction – to avoid contracting an infection or passing on the infection to others!

How to prevent Hepatitis A disease?

Immunization, cleanliness, and avoiding contact with infected persons will save you from getting infected. Hepatitis A vaccine effectively prevents the viral infection of the disease, and in the remote case you do get infected after vaccination, your affliction of the disease won’t be life-threatening. The Hepatitis A vaccine is safe to take and multiple doses are recommended depending upon the age of the recipient; all adults and children from 6 months on wards are advised to take the vaccine; Travel Vaccinations are necessary before undertaking international travel due to heightened infection risks. To be on the safe side, you should always stay protected by taking this vaccine which has no side effects. At times soreness at the site of the injection for a couple of days has been experienced by a small proportion of recipients. The Hepatitis vaccine can be taken at the same time as other vaccines.

The locations and groups which are particularly prone to this viral infection are published on the websites of the CDC and Web MD. So, if you belong to any of the susceptible groups and if you are traveling to specified locations, you must opt for Travel Vaccination and take the Hepatitis A vaccine.

Groups strongly advised to take Hepatitis A vaccine include the following:

  • Children require two doses of Hepatitis A vaccine; the first dose may be taken at 12 – 23 months of age and the second dose six months later
  • Infants, if they are traveling to a high-risk area
  • Children 2 to 18 years of age, not previously vaccinated
  • All adults not previously vaccinated
  • Travel vaccination for all international travelers
  • People indulging in MSM or PWIDs or on drugs
  • People with occupational hazards of infection
  • People who anticipate close contact with an international adoptee
  • People experiencing homelessness
  • HIV patients
  • Patients with chronic liver ailments
  • People exposed to likely infected persons should get vaccinated within 15 day

For Getting Hepatitis A Vaccination – Visit https://burnhamhealthpharmacy.co.uk/ or contact us on 01628-603170

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